===== From skipt1@aol.com: The colors are too dull and dreary. A little randomness or variance in the pattern would have done wonders for this scene. Not a bad concept and a techinical challenge creating the maze itself. ===== From povray@doublezero.uklinux.net: This is a good idea and a good image. The one addition that would have made it the winner (for me) would have been someone (or something?) in the maze looking lost. Writing the maze-generator in C++ instead of PoV-SDL was a cop-out, you chicken :-) ===== From shevlin@uic.edu: The maze is technically impressive, but visually lacks any focal point. An entrance and an exit, some architectural embellishments, or maybe some more greenery in the scen might help. ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Very nice image but I think that there should be a little more variety or randomness in the color and positions of the bricks. //Paolo Brasolin ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: Nice programming skills. But the textures are not convincing, and the light position doesn_t really help. This image could become really great if you fixed that. The ambient settings of the materials look too high, making the image flat, especially in the distance where they blend with the fog. But I like the concept. ===== From renebui@aol.com: A little sad. ===== From phenlikescheese@hotmail.com: Good concept. ===== From sshelby@shelbyvision.com: I don't see any way out!