===== From skipt1@aol.com: Quite a striking image for just being composed of spheres and some CSG. The earth is convincing but I believe that a media atmosphere that hugs the Earth a little closer would be better. The lighting is great with a nice balance of shadown and ambience. I love how the space gets lighter as the view approaches the sun. ===== From povray@doublezero.uklinux.net: Nice picture, I like the touch of the two dishes on the capsule. The clouds could have been a little more swirly, though. ===== From brianblovett@mac.com: Funny that you and I picked basically the same concept for our entries. Ah, but yours is so much nicer than mine. My only nitpick is the clouds look a bit like stucco to me. Otherwise, a terrific image. ===== From shevlin@uic.edu: Nice concept and good realization of it. The clouds on the planet seem a bit thick. ===== From kschwartz@earthlink.net: The clouds on the planet would look a bit better if the shadow was soffened or not there. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: I really like the concept. Very original. The light is perfect and the people inside give you easily a concept about how huge this thing is. The concept is well researched and documented in the text. Good work. ===== From renebui@aol.com: I hope to be alive to see and use the space elevator...;-) ===== From sshelby@shelbyvision.com: Looks good, fits the theme very well.