===== From j.a.bremer@student.tudelft.nl: A very nice detailed image, but it's a shame of the lighting. Everything looks very flat since there are no real dark areas in the image ===== From s.day@uel.ac.uk: This is a well composed image but it is lacking in realism, I think it = is a combination of the textures, lighting and render quality, have you tried experimenting with radiosity? ===== From Andreas.Grates@public.uni-hamburg.de: With a little 'magic' to the textures, this could be THE image. Shame about that! ===== From enrique.sahagun@uam.es: I like the light you have use and the sky, but perhaps the whole image needs a bit more complexity. ===== From greentho@bellsouth.net: Art: Has a nice primitive sort of feel to it. Colors tend to be a bit uniform and perhaps garish. What time is it? Tech: Good start. Textures simple, lacking detail. Concept: Straight forward. ===== From mickro.warf@laposte.net: colors aren't enjoyed ===== From file: This is really beginning to look good. As always, more detail would really make this image pop. Also, the default ambeint is washing things out a bit. Flood lights can be so dramatic, at night. ===== From file: I know this place! Lighting on modern plane doesn't match rest of scene. Otherwise, nicely done!