===== From munsonj@onid.orst.edu: I like the idea. Could do something about the wood grain on the table. ===== From Andreas.Grates@public.uni-hamburg.de: This doesn't have the feel of 24th century. (would they use a card we use today?) There's a spirited attempt at making the pod look worn, but it's too regular. ===== From greentho@bellsouth.net: Art: Enoyable image. Pindar Knockit? Tech: Nicely done. jPod could use a little more detail. Concept: Straight forward interp but well carried out. ===== From file: Not bad. The suggestion of some other obects in the museum would be nice. Also, ipod bodies have two layers: a clear coating on a white substrate. ===== From file: Doesn't convey the theme.