===== From helene.dumur@free.fr: A lot of work, I suppose, for a beautiful result. You can stay a long time looking at all the details. Bravo ! ===== From Andreas.Grates@public.uni-hamburg.de: Too busy to have an effect, too many things borrowed. ===== From greentho@bellsouth.net: Art: An enoyable image, well composed. Tech: Gad but you must have spent hours in poser. Or does "recovered on" mean downloaded from? I tendto think that the addition of poser objects subtracts from realism because, a opposed to the other objects, the are so starkly not real. Concept: Well thought out. ===== From mickro.warf@laposte.net: bon rendu ===== From file: Nice viewpoint. Needs more lighting on the museum pieces. Stucco wall is a bit overwhelming. ===== From file: Cool idea. The lighting seems a little odd...as if it is coming from outside. I can understand if you did it on purpose, but I'm not sure I like the effect. I would make the T-Rex bigger (assuming it's not an Alasaurus), to make it more foa focal point. That said, the modelling is good. Nice work.