===== From jonas@lhtsse.org: I like the colors alot and the general feel of the scene. The shadows are so so. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: This image has potential. Lots of good modeling here. It comes across as flat. I think specular highlights would help some objects pop out in 3D space. ===== From dungbeatle@mail.tds.net: The room seems flat, like 2D. Needs better textures and lighting. ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: A nice combination of musical knowledge and imagery. ===== From file: A very nice painterly image reminiscent of the Pre-Raphaelites; Waterhouse in particular comes to mind. ===== From file: good job ===== From file: Good medelling but lacks contrast. ===== From file: barroque Notable for originality