===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nie concept. It is too bad you had to add text to communicate that meaning. Not sure how you would have done otherwise but you might want to consider how to do that in the future. ===== From dungbeatle@mail.tds.net: Good model. Burnout marks look wrong. Concept is interesting. ===== From rolf.jentsch@online.de: off topic ===== From iacopo.mochi@tele2.it: I hardly understand how someone could consider musical the roraring of car engines. However it's a very original interpretation. One of my favourites in this aspect. ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: Interesting to think of an engine or car as making music. Would like to see more detail and interesting lighting. ===== From phenlikescheese@hotmail.com: Very creative and original. ===== From file: Interesting interpretation of theme. The treads are a little too faked, and the "floor" seems artificial, needs better composition. Notable for originality ===== From file: Nice Notable for originality