===== From rich@brickbots.com: Very nice for a first attempt. Simple, but you did a nice job on lighting the lips for dramatic effect. A few more objects to place this whole scene would have made a lot of difference. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: This image is too dark. I couldn_t figure out the lips until I read the description. I like the idea though. ===== From dungbeatle@mail.tds.net: Concept is interesting. Lips look a bit plastic to me. ===== From simon_smith@zen.co.uk: Very Rocky Horror Picture Show. The lips are very good, but the way the scene is set up means the visible media must be smoke from the blower's lungs. Otherwise he/she must be sucking :-) ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: Clever method to form the visible breath. ===== From file: cool results on your work on these objects. the lips of something cartoony and cool about them; sort of arousing, but somehow not in an overtly sexual sense. bit of a stretch on the fog theme.