===== From joheriks@abo.fi: Very nice lone tree in the mist. The different colored lamps cast a unique spell to the image. ===== From rich@brickbots.com: Very nice concept, but I think it needed a bit more work to bring it together. The composition is a bit flat, with a strong horizontal line from the shore making it seem very static. Additionally, the grass is all very similar and even re-inforcing this horizantal line. I would suggest either re-orienting the camera to have the shore form a diagnal, or better yet, making the shoreline uneven to break up the strong horizontal. Making the grass a bit clumpy, as if there are paths, or small clearings would add interest and could be used to move the eye deeper in the picture. Having an object in the foreground (perhaps the end of a pier or something like that) would have added a lot more depth and could have been used to frame the piece. The idea of a carnival shining through the fog is great, and I would have liked to see more of this. A bit less fog (or less dense) with more carnival in the background. Perhaps another string of light (diagnal) and another tent to two in the distance. Maybe a ticket booth, or concession stand. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: A very simple scene but it works! Great job. ===== From dungbeatle@mail.tds.net: A little sparse. The tree seems out of proportion. ===== From simon_smith@zen.co.uk: One of my favourites. The use of random colours in the string of lights is clever. I think this is the best interpretation of the 'Light and Fog' theme. ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: I like the glowing lights in the fog. Definitely an image of "light and = fog". Nice simple whimsical image. ===== From file: very nice realism in some areas (say, the tent), but parts are a bit grainy. nice composition. too bad there isn't an in-house translator...