===== From rich@brickbots.com: A very nice entry. I think the ground fog near the buildings is fantastic. You did a good job of capturing this really attractive aspect of fog. The aspect ratio works well with the row of houses leading back in space. It would have been nice to see more variation between the houses, especially more height difference and some spacing between them. That would all make the row of houses that much more interesting. Knocking the corners off some of the edges would help remove that bit of sterility and keep it from looking a little too CG. It might have been interesting to see a shaft of light coming from one of the windows interacting with the fog, nothing too bright, but just another little touch to let the eye linger. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: An nice image. I found it hard though to find the hidden figure. Guess it_s too well hidden. Without the text I would probably not have seen it at all. The composition is also a little bit off. Still a pleasant image to look at. The light is soft and nice. ===== From dungbeatle@mail.tds.net: Nice picture. Road looks too even, stones too perfect. Proportions of the trees seem a bit off to me. ===== From simon_smith@zen.co.uk: I like it, but it looks too perfect. In fact, it looks like a scene from a fantasy RPG, so it's pretty darn good. You lost some credit because the houses, which are the best part of the scene, are not your own. ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: Nice. A foreboding sense of gloom. Great period-specific architecture = featured here, with both consistency and variety. I like the rough road = surface and little details like weeds at the base of the trees. The = bare trees add starkness, but I would like to see just a few leaves = still hanging on. Nice variations in the fog itself. The overall image = is creepy, and yet suggests warmth and welcome behind the doors. ===== From file: Very nice image Notable for modelling, textures, lighting ===== From file: I like the houses a lot, but their rigidity reminds me of when I learned how they can slouch over time, I wounder if you could tweak that. I like the surreal curve to the road. nice realism, too. Notable for composition