// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: ?.pov // Vers: 3.6 // Desc: IRTC competition - October 2006 - Topic is Absence // Date: 09/21/2006 // Auth: ? // #version 3.6; #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "stones.inc" #include "woods.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 } #default { texture { pigment {rgb 1} finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.9 } } } // ---------------------------------------- #declare camera_01 = camera { right x*image_width/image_height location <12,10,-40> look_at <12,10,0> } ; #declare camera_02 = camera { right x*image_width/image_height location <4,80,-30> look_at <10,0,8> direction z*1.5 } ; #declare camera_03 = camera { right x*image_width/image_height location <4,80,-30> look_at <10,0,8> direction z*1.5 aperture 2 blur_samples 100 focal_point <0,15,0> confidence 1 variance 1/200 } ; camera{camera_03} #declare light_01 = light_source { <-65,78,-40> color rgb <1, 1, 1> } ; #declare light_02 = light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb 1.0 // light's color area_light <2, 0, 0> <0, 0, 2> // lights spread out across this distance (x * z) 8, 8 // total number of lights in grid (4x*4z = 16 lights) adaptive 3 // 0,1,2,3... circular // make the shape of the light circular orient // orient light translate <-65,78,-40> // position of light } ; light_source { light_02 } // ---------------------------------------- plane { y, 0 texture { finish { ambient 0.4 diffuse 0.8 } } } plane{<0,1,0>,1 hollow texture{ pigment{ bozo turbulence 0.76 color_map { [0.5 rgb <0.20, 0.20, 1.0>] [0.6 rgb <1,1,1>] [1.0 rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5>]} } finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} } scale 10000} #declare dist = 0.2; #declare r_bareau = 0.08; union { union { // socle difference { cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,5,0>, 12 } cylinder { <0,0+dist,0>,<0,5+dist,0>, 12-dist } } torus { 12, dist translate y*5} #declare f_color = 0.6; texture { pigment { color rgb <0.94*f_color, 0.93*f_color, 0.80*f_color> } finish { brilliance 2 metallic specular 0.80 roughness 1/20 reflection 0.1 } } } union { difference { union { // bareau #declare n_bareau = 64; #declare myCount = 0; #while (myCount < 360) union { intersection { torus { 12-dist, r_bareau rotate x*90 scale y*0.5 translate y*23} box { <13, 30, -1>, <0, 23, 1> } } cylinder { <12-dist, 4.5, 0>, <12-dist, 23, 0>, r_bareau } rotate y*myCount } #declare myCount = myCount+(360/n_bareau); #end torus { 12, r_bareau translate y*20} torus { 12, r_bareau translate y*7} } #declare n_bareau_porte = 8; difference { box {<0+(r_bareau*2), 9, 0> < 13, 18, -13> } box {<0-(r_bareau*2), 8, 3> < 13, 19, -20> rotate y*(360/n_bareau)*-n_bareau_porte} } } intersection { union { torus { 12, r_bareau translate y*18} torus { 12, r_bareau translate y*9} } difference { box {<0-r_bareau, 9-(r_bareau*2), 0> < 13, 18+(r_bareau*2), -13> } box {<0+r_bareau, 8, 3> < 13, 19, -20> rotate y*(360/n_bareau)*-n_bareau_porte} } } // porte union { intersection { union { torus { 12, r_bareau translate y*18-(r_bareau*3)} torus { 12, r_bareau translate y*9+(r_bareau*3)} } difference { box {<0, 9-(r_bareau*2), 0> < 13, 18+(r_bareau*2), -13> } box {<0+r_bareau, 8, 3> < 13, 19, -20> rotate y*(360/n_bareau)*-n_bareau_porte} } } intersection { union { // bareau #declare n_bareau = 64; #declare myCount = 0; #while (myCount < 360) cylinder { <12-dist, 9+r_bareau, 0>, <12-dist, 18-r_bareau, 0>, r_bareau rotate y*myCount } #declare myCount = myCount+(360/n_bareau); #end } difference { box {<0, 9-(r_bareau*2), 0> < 13, 18+(r_bareau*2), -13> } box {<0+r_bareau, 8, 3> < 13, 19, -20> rotate y*(360/n_bareau)*-n_bareau_porte} } } translate z*12 rotate y*80 translate z*-12 } // perchoire union { torus { 0.5, r_bareau rotate x*90 translate y*28} difference { torus { 4, r_bareau*2 rotate x*90} box { <-5, -5, -1>, <5, 0, 1> } translate y*23.5 } cylinder { <4, 23.5, 0>, <4, 16, 0>, r_bareau*2 } cylinder { <-4, 23.5, 0>, <-4, 16, 0>, r_bareau*2 } cylinder { <4, 16, 0>, <-4, 16, 0>, 0.5 texture{ DMFWood3 normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 rotate<0,0,0> } rotate<0,0,0> scale 1 translate<0,0,0> } // end of texture } rotate y*45 } texture { pigment { color rgb <0.94, 0.93, 0.80> } finish { brilliance 2 metallic specular 0.80 roughness 1/20 reflection 0.1 } } } union { // support intersection { sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 3.2 scale y*0.8 translate y*27.75} cone { <0, 29, 0>, 3, <0, 31.5, 0>, 3 } } intersection { sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 4 scale y*0.6 translate y*27.75} cone { <0, 29-r_bareau, 0>, 3, <0, 29.75, 0>, 3 } } union { cylinder { <0, 28, 0>, <0, 32, 0>, 0.3 } torus { 1.2, 0.2 rotate x*90 rotate y*-40 translate y*32.5} } texture { pigment { color rgb <0.94, 0.93, 0.80> } finish { brilliance 2 metallic specular 0.80 roughness 1/20 reflection 0.1 } } } rotate y*-25 }