NAME:Michal "Zizu" Zyskowski TOPIC:Complexity COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: train COUNTRY: Poland WEBPAGE: n/a RENDERER USED: PovRay 3.6.1 TOOLS USED: none RENDER TIME: 5 days 12 hours HARDWARE USED: IMAGE DESCRIPTION: My english is quite weak, so in my mind "complexity" means that scene must contain much small and high detailed i decided to make very long train..., but while i was ,making the scene i realized that look from uder the train is much more interesting so..i decided to change the point of viev, but to not loose complexity concept i decided to make every object individually....bricks, stones, and make every part as real as i can. Maybe someone can tell that i miss the topic of the round i can say only is really complex scene DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: How the scene was done... The stones are isosurfaces with noise function scaled by me in while loop just like in multifractal function but with parameters specified by me.....differend frequencies and amplitude in every step and direction... Woods under railways are isosurfaces with noise function....while loop and funcion to modify frequency was used too Piece of wood at first plan(BIRCH-TREE): every part of it is an isosurface with noise function used in while loop. parts are placed by recursive function based on L-system. recursive call of function by itsef is conditioned by random function, length, thick, position, and even calling is conditioned by random parameter. maybe this piece of wood is not so complicated but deep of recursion is 7 and chance to make new part is only don't make so much parts but all the parts tha exist are quite real looking even when they are just simple cylinders. surface of this tree is also described by function which describes its pigment. black parts are much more noised, white parts are less noised. Metal sign "high voltage" is isosurface with noise function..... Bricks are isosurfaces but this time i think that it was too much....just apply any patern at normals will be enough Bricks and stones are randomly replaced from their "normal" positions in three dimentional cubes...simple... Railways are also isosurfaces.... Train is also isosurface also with noise function....